Keith Dotson announces a new natural abstraction photograph–beautiful tree fungus spirals on a fallen log
Fine art photographer Keith Dotson is excited to announce a new addition to his "abstractions from nature" portfolio. This high resolution black and white photograph of spiral fungus "ears" on a fallen tree in the woods is one of his favorite landscape photographs in quite a while.
He had been hiking in the woods on a gloomy day, with no particular subject in mind, when he discovered a wealth of colorful fungus blooms growing on a collection of fallen trees. He went to work meticulously positioning his tripod for the best composition, when he was approached from behind by a federal park ranger. The ranger had seen Keith hunkered down over the tripod, and thought he might be responsible for a series of recent artifact lootings in the park. Not guilty!
Buy a fine art print of 'Fungus Spirals on a Fallen Tree' by Keith Dotson
A short video shot on the wet and gloomy day that Keith made this photograph, as he explores and observes the colorful fungus growths
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