Fine art photographer Keith Dotson has been invited to appear in an Australian television travel show starring British comedian and television personality Griff Rhys Jones, O.B.E. (Order of the British Empire).
Nov 20, 2024
#abandoned places photography
#black and white photographs of mississippi delta architecture
#black and white photographs of the mississippi delta
#Fine art photographer Keith Dotson has been featured in an Australian television travel show starring British comedian and television personality Griff Rhys Jones
#fine art photographer keith dotson on television
#fine art photographs of the mississippi delta
#Griff's Southern Charm
#keith dotson to appear on australian television show
#mississippi delta ghost town to be featured on australian television
#photographer keith dotson films an abandoned places photography episode for australian tv show
#photographer keith dotson to be on television travel show about abandoned place in mississippi
#photographs of the american south
#southern photographer
#southern photographers