New Photo Portfolio Published

New Photo Portfolio Published

24 pgs. $18. Click to Learn More

"Our America" by Ken Burns

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Dotson Photo Featured on Spanish Book Cover

Dotson Photo Featured on Spanish Book Cover

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As Seen on Grey's Anatomy

As Seen on Grey's Anatomy

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Latest News

Black and White Photographs of the Abandoned Wheland Foundry in Chattanooga

Black and White Photographs of the Abandoned Wheland Foundry in Chattanooga Keith Dotson is excited to announce a new series of black and white photographs made on location at Chattanooga's vast and endangered Wheland Foundry, soon to be demolished to make way for a new stadium.

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Keith Dotson speaks to the Professional Photographers of Middle Tennessee in Nashville

Keith Dotson speaks to the Professional Photographers of Middle Tennessee in Nashville On June 11, 2024, fine art photographer Keith Dotson spoke to the Professional Photographers of Middle Tennessee (PPMT) in Nashville, giving them an overview of his professional career and highlights, with an emphasis on the importance of photographic prints.

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Keith Dotson's leaf photograph selected for cover of a new book published in Barcelona

Keith Dotson's leaf photograph selected for cover of a new book published in Barcelona Keith Dotson is excited to announce that Barcelona-based publishing house Libros del Asteroide has published in Spain the new book "Los Hijos Dormidos" translated from the work by French author Anthony Passeron, on October 16, 2023. Keith's curled leaf photograph is featured on the cover.

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Keith's fine art photography podcast


Listen to Keith's popular podcast, where he covers a wide range of topics related to the art and business of fine art photography.

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Podcast: Keith Dotson Fine Art Photography

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