The Wheeling Portfolio (Softcover Book)
The Wheeling Portfolio (Softcover Book) Spread from Keith Dotson's book, "The Wheeling Portfolio" Spread from Keith Dotson's book, "The Wheeling Portfolio" Keith Dotson's book, "The Wheeling Portfolio"
$24.00 USD

The Wheeling Portfolio by Keith Dotson

Also available from Blurb (foreign buyers please click here) 

  • Published November 2022
  • 48 pages
  • Softcover
  • 8.5 x 11 inches
  • Perfect bound
  • Beautifully printed on luster paper
  • Free shipping within the U.S.

* * * Please allow a few weeks for delivery by mail.

Buyers outside the U.S., please buy from Blurb here.

The Wheeling Portfolio: What's Inside?

Keith Dotson's book, The Wheeling Portfolio offers a series of black and white photographs made in South Wheeling, West Virginia, along with Keith's rationale for the project; Keith's artist statement; histories of the city and of the buildings shown in the images, plus, stories about some of the early occupants and colorful characters; historic maps and newspaper clippings; camera metadata; and citations supporting the histories published in the book.

See also Keith's behind-the-scenes video made on the day of his visit to Wheeling (YouTube).

The 48-page book is lavishly illustrated with Dotson's black and white photographs.

Digital download version available here