Winter Grasses: New lyrical landscape photograph shot on medium format film

Winter Grasses: Keith Dotson's new square format landscape photograph shot on medium format film

Fine art photographer Keith Dotson has released a new black and white photograph of a section of overgrown winter grasses, forming a lyrical, almost abstract composition.

This photograph was captured on Ilford 400 speed medium format (120mm) film, and scanned at a very large size. A pleasing, artistic film grain will be evident in the print, especially at larger print sizes (see the second detail image below).

Winter Grasses Landscape Photograph Shot on 120mm Film at 400 ISO (000010900005)

Winter Grasses landscape photograph shot on 120mm film at 400 ISO (000010900005). Click to buy a fine art print.

(Detail) The Ilford 400 has a pleasing film grain. The scale along the top edge gives an idea of the image size.

(Detail) The Ilford 400 has a pleasing film grain. The scale along the top edge gives an idea of the level of detail represented here.

Buy a large print of "Winter Grasses" by Keith Dotson


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