A collection of black and white architectural detail photographs of old buildings that feature human faces as a design element
It seems that earlier generations of architects liked to humanize their structures by including human faces as design elements. Not as grotesque as gargoyles, these examples are typically female, presented in an almost classical style.
Female face on a historic commercial building on Meeting Street in Charleston. Click to buy a fine art print.
Carved Face on the Drhumor Building No. 05 Asheville, North Carolina. Click to buy a fine art print.
Face of a bearded man topping the ornate arch of a historic church in Charleston, South Carolina. Click to buy a print.
Picture of a fanciful, carved young man with luxurious curls on Chestnut Street in Philadelphia. Click to buy a print.
Decorative carved wooden face on the interior of Independence Hall in Philadelphia. Click to buy a photograph.
Paducah Caryatid, found on the exterior of the old German American Bank in Paducah Kentucky. Click to buy a print of this photograph.
Winged cherub, downtown Memphis architectural photograph. Buy a photograph.
Strange carved stone face on the historic Utopia Hotel in downtown Nashville, at one time a brothel. Buy a print.
Wretched gargoyle on The Emily Morgan Hotel in downtown San Antonio. Click to buy a print.
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