Fine art photograph of guitar cases at a gig selected for wall art in Amazon's new corporate office building in Nashville Yards
Fine art photographer Keith Dotson has delivered a large, framed, black and white photograph to Amazon's new corporate office building, which opened August 16. The framed photograph of guitar cases seen at a gig, was selected by an architectural design firm working on behalf of Amazon, and will be displayed on the fifth floor of the tower.
Located in the new Nashville Yards development, Amazon's office tower is the first of two planned for the Nashville Yards location. It's 20 stories tall and features more than 500,000 square feet of office and retail space at 1010 Church Street. Both towers combined will comprise more than one million square feet. Amazon is calling the new office its "Office of Excellence." Amazon's projected hires will make it the largest private-sector employer in downtown Nashville.
Guitar Cases at a Gig in Nashville, black and white photograph by Keith Dotson. Click to buy a print.
According to the Nashville Business Journal, the first Amazon tower will also host art by three Hume-Fogg High School students and murals by two local artists.
Close-up image of the actual print with the photographer's fingers giving a sense of scale. Never touch the surface of your photographic prints. This one is protected by a plastic sheet.
Examining the print for Amazon's new office tower, prior to delivery to the frame shop. Never touch the surface of your photographic prints. This one is protected by a plastic sheet.
Nashville Yards is a major new development in downtown Nashville that will host, in addition to the two Amazon office towers, a bank, hotel, office space, residential units, and retail and entertainment tenants.
Keith is proud to be making his own small contribution to the new development, in the form of wall art.
Fine art prints of the guitar case photo are available in a wide variety of sizes and prices.
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