Pictures of an abandoned bird's nest found on the snowy ground
When photographers take their cameras for a walk, they never know what they will discover — sometimes nothing. I found this sparrow's nest on the snow-covered ground on a very cold morning.
While some sparrows nest on the ground, from its placement and location, I think this one had been blown from a tree. Nevertheless, it appeared in front of my boots like a gem on the white path. It's been a long-term wish of mine to photograph a bird's nest — to fully examine its structure, and study it in detail with the lens of a camera.
Deftly woven from straw, with leaves in the core, this nest is a masterpiece of natural engineering. It is a thing of indescribable beauty.
Two views of a bird's nest photographed in detailed black and white
Click the photograph to buy a fine art photograph for your home or office.
Bird's Nest in Snow (A0023888), a black and white photograph by Keith Dotson. Click to buy a photograph.
Abandoned Bird's Nest in Found in the Snow (A0023856), a black and white photograph by Keith Dotson. Click to buy a fine art print for your home or office.
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